7 Stages Shakespeare Company is partnering with Wentworth Lear Historic Houses to produce Hamlet in their Historic Barn in the beautiful South End of Portsmouth. As in all 7SSC events, this show is FREE for All or Pay What You…
The many former theatres of Portsmouth — Portsmouth trivia
Q: Name any current downtown Portsmouth business that was once (but is no longer) the site of a theater. A: Popovers, Life is Good, Kilwin’s, The Goods on Vaughan Mall, The Works… and possibly others! If you’re interested in more on these old theaters, including The Arcadia,…
Sounds from the Underground at The Dance Hall
This week I caught up with Drika Overton at The Dance Hall to chat about this super cool dance event that I’d heard about — Sounds from the Underground. Happening this Sunday afternoon, it’s a break-dance event for all ages —…
Mary Poppins starts tomorrow, Wednesday, December 10th, and runs through Sunday at The Music Hall
ShakesBEERience — The Merry Wives of Windsor
#MeetFalstaff! ShakesBEERience was super fun and delightful as per usual.
#PortsmouthLOVE Highlight: 3S Artspace
Woooooah, we’re halfway there (Actually, ED Chris Greiner says they are 3/4 the way there, but who can resist a good Bon Jovi reference?)!
Erik Larson, Writers on a New England Stage at the Music Hall
I had not been aware of Erik Larson before this evening. Sure, I’d heard of his book, “Devil in the White City,” but I’d not read it, nor had I heard much of his new book, “In the Garden of…