Do you have lots of wonderful photos that you’d like to show off to the world? Are you a photographer looking for more web traffic and exposure? Or are you simply thrilled at the prospect of your photo appearing on some stranger’s phone, thus leading them to your Instagram or Flickr feed? Several apps now allow you to submit your photographic masterpieces for consideration of display on their app, and thereby on the phones of anyone using that app.
Here’s how to submit your photos:
How to submit Instagram photos to Mailbox app
If you’re a Mailbox user, and you’re anything like me, you make sure you hit #InboxZero every day, snoozing, listing, or archiving all of your emails as necessary, if only just to be rewarded with the Photo of the Day. It used to be that you couldn’t see the full photo behind the inbox outline, but over the past few updates, not only did they add the ability of tapping to reveal the full photo, they also added the Share function (see lower-right icon in screenshot below), which includes the option (along with easily tweeting/posting to Facebook that you’ve reached #InboxZero) to learn more “About Today’s Photo,” taking you to that photo on… drum roll… Instagram!
Mailbox treats your eyes with daily #inboxzero photos |
This was a big reveal for me, since I previously didn’t know where they were sourcing those cool images. According to Mailbox, they are using Instagram simply because that’s who immediately worked with them to get the feature up and running initially (perhaps this indicates future integration of more services, such as Flickr?). My favorite thus far has been the April Fool’s cat toupee, shown above, although this should not be taken as representative of the generally very high caliber of photos they NORMALLY feature (such as this gem from Tyler Aldrich, who I KNOW in REAL LIFE!).
So, how do you get YOUR photos into the mix? Simply email your Instagram username or URL to! That’s it!
Got a picture for the #inboxzero Photo of the Day? Email us your Instagram user name or URL at!
— Mailbox (@mailbox) April 2, 2013
Side note: I also love that they respond using GIFs (or “JIF“s) to show how quickly they’re hustling to respond to all requests… I love a responsive tech service!
How to submit Flickr photos to Yahoo! Weather app
As recently proclaimed at #portsbkfstclub, Yahoo! Weather is THE new weather app, having beat out the admittedly still simplistically lovely Solar as the most beautiful weather app there is. The photos, which are weather-appropriate images that are shot in whatever geographic location for which you are viewing the forecast, are a huge part of what makes the app so wonderful, although actual WORDS in the forecast and the animated sun cycle at the bottom are great features, as well. Yahoo!, of course, sources their gorgeous local photos through Flickr.
To submit a photo from your Flickr account, simply join the Flickr Group “Project Weather” and start adding photos to the group. There are some T&Cs to peruse, but I got MY first Project Weather photo approved within 2 days! I can’t wait to see my first very own photo on my phone, mostly because that’ll signify* that OTHERS have MY PHOTO on THEIR PHONE! Oh, technology!
I really LOVE the Robert Allan Clifford shots I’ve been treated to thus far, but I’m also excited to see more great local photography as local photogs submit their lovely shots.
*In a very unscientific study consisting of showing off the app with simultaneous users, it seems that all users in the same geographic location see the same weather-themed local photo at the same time.