Muahaha! Soon to be mine, the new iPhone 4S!
(pic from Apple)
After much conversing, reading social media pals’ threads on the subject, and personal googling, I have decided upon Verizon as my carrier. I can’t wait to be able to update things immediately instead of keeping lists of things to post about when I get home. This will greatly increase the prolificness of my posting on all web outlets, and hopefully this blog as well! I hope that Blogger updates seamlessly through the iPhone, elsewise I will be seeking a new vehicle posthaste!
The magazine is going to press tomorrow! I am so excited! Early days, long hours, and late nights don’t phase me a bit, as the adrenaline of being under deadline is something I’ve always loved in a job. THIS is one reason I’m happy I don’t have a family or anyone waiting for me or relying on my schedule. I can stay late and proof and upload and convert and page-number-check and request and triple-check to my heart’s content. This is like icing on my cake of employment! Call me a nerd, I love having a job that needs me to stay late to meet a deadline! AND I GET TO USE MY RED PEN!
(pic from Fuel Your Writing)
I’ll be posting caps/PDFs/links as soon as I’m allowed to share the new content (and boy, do we ever blow away the “competition” with our gorgeous layout… we have the most talented art director in all the land).
I just watched a great new interview with Rachel Maddow. Here, in part 4 of that interview, she briefly talks about the idea behind her forthcoming book, Drift:
Good points, all. I look forward to reading her book!
Speaking of reading, I’m super psyched to get on with THIS new fancy book, an apt gift from my ever-thoughtful boss:
Oh boy, is it a great read so far! Not ONLY am I learning how puns really ARE a sign of intelligence (told ya!), it’s all being conveyed in a prose itself rife with puns! Joy!
To bed I go! Just call me Nancy PILLOWsy!* Hahaha!
*hilarious, as the pillow references my exhaustion and the late hour, and the name references a personal hero of mine…