This week, I’m introducing you to Sawyer. I immediately wondered if he was named after the LOST character… and my Instagram detective skills tell me that this puppy is just over a year old. People still watch and like LOST, right?
You can find Sawyer on his mom’s account at @jessika_lane on Instagram. The featured pic above is a throwback pic of him as a puppy. The composition is gorgeous, and suggest action. The framing of him walking out of center gives the impression of movement — as if any second the photo will come to life.
Also lookitthosewiddleearsgahhh!
Anyway, here’s Sawyer all growed up:
Sooo distinguished. What a good boy!
This next one you gotta click through to — it’s a video of Sawyer jumping up at the camera and it will make. your. day.
Sawyer jumping up at camera — click to play
If you just watched that video, then you know what I am about to say is true:
According to a theory that I totally believe (and many others do, too), “a release of the chemicals dopamine and oxytocin is triggered in the brain when humans look at puppies.”
So, according to science — you are welcome.