Oh gosh. This week’s pup is sure to make a splash. It’s #mayeoftheday, dog star of @frompinetopalm’s Instagram account. Maye is a beautiful Boston Terrier, and clicking her hashtag will bring you to JUST the puppy pics of her!
I absolutely adore that the caption of this photo apologizes for not having posted this one right away — thereby depriving the public’s eyes of this visual treat for a few days, during which we had no idea what we were missing! Maye’s people take her on boats a lot, so she’s a self-proclaimed (actually, possibly human-proclaimed, as we’re not 100% sure who’s writing the captions of these shots) “dock dog”. Following her escapades will treat you to endless delightful snapshots of her life, such as this:
May you race similarly, with wild abandon, into the remainder of your week!