Oh, Danny Boy — the pups, the pups are callliinnnnggg… for you to gaze upon them and receive bounteous visual joy!
This is DannyBoy (find featured pic on Instagram here). DannyBoy is a shitzu who lives right here in Portsmouth. You can follow him on Instagram at @dannyboy_pup, where you’ll see that he’s an expert poser, especially while lounging in the grass.
He’s also quite the connoisseur, and would like #PortsmouthLOVE readers to know that his favorite restaurant is Cava:
What can he say — he has great taste!
Danny Boy is also really good at impressions. Here’s his Wilfred Brimley:
Wow, that’s really good.
Danny Boy is making it through the winter the way many of us do: snuggling with his buddies. Here he is snuggling with his own puppy (yes, puppies can have puppies (yes, an 11-year-old dog can still be called a puppy)):
May you have lots of warm snuggles this week.