I recently discovered this crazyamazing cemetery: Historic Western Cemetery, in Portland, Maine.
I love cemeteries. Love them. And this one was really something special. I saw it appear as if from nowhere on my drive out of the city, and then it just kept stretching on and on and on. I found a side street and the entrance. The bank of tombs edging the east side drew my attention as I first walked in.
Then the very odd and out-of-place grave with the askew casket with Latin script edging.
I found out much more about that particular plot later…
Allegedly belonging to Rev. John White Chickering Baker, a deacon who died of tuberculosis at 33, the grave is the subject of rumors including witchcraft and vampirism.
The casket inscription reads:
Requiem Aeternam
Dona ei Domina
Et lux perpetua
Luceat eis.
Via crucis — Via lucis
O vos …
Orame pro Anima Johannis
W. C. Baker
Diaconi qui namus
Jan(?) 13, 1837 – Feb 1, 1871
Crude Google Translation:
Give him a Lady
And let perpetual
Upon them.
Way of the Cross – Way of light
Your …
… which Anima Johannis
W.C. Baker
Deacon, whose name
Jan(?) 13, 1837 – Feb 1, 1871
Check out more pics from Western Cemetery in this Flickr album.
Part of this post originally appeared in the #PortsmouthLOVE Letter sent on Tuesday, December 30, 2014. You can subscribe to this weekly newsletter at: https://tinyletter.com/laughtercrystal.