Starting June 29th, women will take the Prescott Park stage before Mary Poppins every Thursday evening from now through August 17th. They’ll be reading about women from the past, some of whom lacked recognition in their time.
Here’s what Portsmouth Poet Laureate Mike Nelson, had to say about creating the series:
“In the 21st century, women writers are still underrepresented by a wide margin. Here is a quote from the book “Poet on Demand” about the life and times of Celia Thaxter by Jane E. Vallier: “A rewriting of the female literary history is perhaps the major academic and aesthetic responsibility of our generation of literary scholarship…work that includes the establishment of accurate texts, the recasting of biographies and the re-evaluation of literary traditions.”
With this in mind, we give the stage to women so they may continue to write their own history and establish the path for all of us towards a more equitable future.”
Check out the summer’s full lineup here: