Beat Night is this Thursday!!! I’m super excited to see this lineup, including my colleague Matt Laurion and pal Tamara Collins—and Jason Faulkner, whom I’ve seen before and am so looking forward to hearing more from. Bring some poetry to read during the open mic portion, which is 8–9pm, after the feature readings, which start at 7pm. More stuff this week: Every Wednesday is #portsbkfstclub and all are welcome! Free movie Thursday night at the library—this time it’s Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows as a part of Mystery Week. Speaking of movies, check out The Music Hall movie lineup—such a great treat to watch a movie downtown in a real theater! This Saturday is Auction for the Animals at the Wentworth, to raise money for the NHSPCA. Next Monday is #ShakesBEERience!!! Gahh! Make sure to mark your calendar, because I won’t be emailing you again until TUESDAY and you’ll see it in my In Case You Missed It section and be soooo bummed you missed it! You’ve been warned.