#PortsmouthLOVE Notes and scuttlebutt from around the city:
- Here are 5 reasons to enjoy Portsmouth in the winter.
- Portsmouth bid farewell to former city mayor Bob Shaines this past weekend.
- Portsmouth-based GlobalDIRT is on the ground in the Philippines, assisting in the aftermath of Typhoon Hagupit:
We have an assessment/response team in the #Philippines monitoring the effects of Typhoon Hagupit (Ruby). pic.twitter.com/CWULjJAd7D
— Global DIRT (@globalDIRT) December 7, 2014
- Although the holiday parade was canceled due to bad weather, the rescheduled tree lighting ceremony still brought out a marching band, and, of course, Santa on a fire truck (Cory Nadilo’s awesome pic is the featured image on this post).
- There’s a new trampoline arena opening this weekend in Portsmouth (I know, I say that like there has ever been one before—which there hasn’t… right?), and they had a free open house last night.
- Sinks have gone in at 3S!
- A beautiful shot of the snow-clad benches on one of the Prescott Park piers:
https://flic.kr/p/pYpp9Y - It’s official: Uber has come to Portsmouth, despite some local opposition.
- Speaking of local opposition, there’s plenty of it in the case of the proposed redevelopment of the former Ceres Street Wine Merchants building. Personally, I was just relieved to confirm that this redevelop didn’t include the building that contains my favorite wall in Portsmouth.
- Here’s a cool pic of the Square outside BNG in the rain.
- I met the cutest puppy in history in the square this week.
- And Vital welcomes the newest tiny little member of our family (isn’t she adorable?).
This is an excerpt from the #PortsmouthLOVE Letter sent on Tuesday, December 8, 2014. You can subscribe to this weekly newsletter at: https://tinyletter.com/laughtercrystal