Kids, if you missed this show, you missed a genuine reliving of a real punk show in Portsmouth.
It. Was. Awesome.
The Guts reunited to wish The Coat a Happy 20th (next year, it can drink!), and we all rocked along with them (some of us felt especially old when we stuffed napkin bits in our ears (but hey, who doesn’t have tinnitus? THIS LADY.)), and had a (tiny!) whale of a time (if you get THAT reference, email me and we’ll become pals).
Speaking of pals, while we were there, my pal Stephen did a pretty brilliant Daniel Plainview/My Milkshake impression that… you just have to see.
This is an excerpt from the #PortsmouthLOVE Letter sent on Tuesday, November 11, 2014. You can subscribe to this weekly newsletter at: