Ned Raynolds is a Key Account Manager for Public & Higher Education Sector Sales for Philips Lighting North America.
After 8 years on active duty and 2 years at grad school, Ned worked for a series of governmental then non-profit organizations through 1996 to 2009, advocating for and implementing energy efficiency and renewable energy policies, programs and technology. Since 2009, he’s been deploying those technologies to the public sector through business (check out his LinkedIn profile for more career info). His extensive civic experience includes:
- Served on Alexandria, VA Environmental Policy Commission 1997-2000
- Civic advocacy in Portsmouth (2001-2004) that led to our new library being designed and built to achieve USGBC
- LEED certification, the first such municipally-owned building in NH
- Served on Portsmouth City Council 2004-2008
- Member, Portsmouth Bike/Pedestrian Master Plan Advisory Committee
- Coached Seacoast Lacrosse, Portsmouth Rec. and PCSC Soccer
- Board Member, Seacoast Mental Health Center and Seacoast Area Bicycle Riders
- Member, NHPR Community Advisory Board
- Volunteer, Share Our Strength Portsmouth and PHS Celebration Graduation
What are two things that you want Portsmouth voters to know about you?
- I’ve worked in the public sector in one form or another my entire adult life, undergrad majored in Government (at U.S. Coast Guard Academy) and earned a Master’s in Public Policy at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. I have a passion for sound (data and science-based), forward-thinking public policy that aims to deliver the greatest good to the greatest number, grounded in respect and dignity for everyone and the truth that human health and prosperity derives from the natural world.
- That I’m a devoted single dad whose 3 kids have lived with me 90+% of the time since my divorce in 2011; raising them in the wonderful community of Portsmouth has been the greatest pride and joy of my life and is the source of the passion behind my involvement in politics.
One compelling reason that Portsmouth residents should vote on November 7th?
Ben Franklin reportedly once said “Democracy is the worst form of government — except for all the others.” As difficult as it is, our American inheritance of self-government requires your awareness and involvement — and local government is the level that affects your life most directly, and where your participation can make a tangible difference. Portsmouth is a gem among communities nationwide – don’t remain on the sidelines here! Vote, stay informed and use social media constructively to contribute your ideas and opinions on how to keep it great!
To keep in touch with Ned, follow Ned Raynolds for Portsmouth on Facebook.