Le sigh. I am in love. Who says money can’t buy it? The Beatles? Pfft.
Oh yeah. It’s gettin’ real. I gots me an iPhone!
Please, tell me all the things I need to know. I have downloaded all the rudimentary apps: Facebook, Twitter, Dropbox, GooglePlus, Instagram, Foursquare, Evernote, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Goodreads, Tweetdeck, Netflix, Fandango, Amazon, eBay, Yelp, IMDb, BBC News, ESPN ScoreCenter, etc. (Huh. Looks like I use quite a few social networking sites… Suddenly I’m impressed that I know all those passwords!), plus a few just-for-funsies, like Shazam, Hoccer and Bump. Just updated and tested my Square by charging myself a dollar on my credit card to see what sort of things I can expect when people pay me via my phone for … I dunno, photogging, copywriting, and perhaps winning random bets?
I believe I shall post mini-reviews on apps, etc. Mayhaps I shall add a whole new page to this site just for that! I shall, however, post here one very rad iPhone case that, were it not for the hefty pricetag, would be mine:
No, really, that’s a phone!
I also feel moved by the Spirit to share this:

It really does totally brighten your day. So many classics.
—Stay thirsty, my friends.