“We are as an organization a place that celebrates the new the ambitious and the emerging.” That’s what Chris Greiner said about 3S Artspace as a fitting venue for recognizing 10 to Watch in the Seacoast.
I was truly impressed when hearing the accomplishments of my fellow winners and nominees.
And I was humbled and grateful to hear my own name called.
One of the winners runs a program at Cross Roads to make sure that all kids with birthdays get recognized. Hearing this made my heart expand to near-bursting and choked me up. Other nominees are fighting for Zero Waste in campuses across the country and are the youngest young professional leaders in their fields. Truly an impressive bunch.
Exciting and humbling to win—and really motivating to live up to the fact that more people are watching.
I’ll do my best to do things worth keeping an eye on!
Read more about the awards ceremony on SeacoastOnline: http://www.seacoastonline.com/article/20150514/NEWS/150519373