Portsmouth is pretty great, but sometimes it is the things that surround the things you love that help define them — and can hold new and exciting surprises.
I’ve been exploring places not too far from Portsmouth lately, sometimes while riding my motorcycle, Susan, and sometimes just because a meeting or family gathering happens in a new-to-me place. I’ve gained new appreciation for Durham (Packers Falls Road!), North Berwick (Bauneg Beg Road!), Wells (Marginal Way!) and Northwood.
Long stretches of roads, and birds with volume turned up way past what you’d typically hear in the thickly settled city of Portsmouth.
This is the perfect season to widen our spheres of awareness and take advantage of the fact that we live short driving distances from mountains and ocean, city and country. With just one day, we can see it all if we wanted to. Do it. Have a mountain/ocean/ice cream/campfire day!